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100 /mo
- Fully Managed
- 20K Monthly Visits
- Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- 10GB CDN Storage
- Daily Cloud Backups
- Managed Core Updates
- Managed Plugin Updates
- Managed Theme Updates
- Free SSL Certificate
- Security Plugin Setup
- 24/7 Security Monitoring & Hack Cleanups
- 1 minor update request (Up to 30 min)
Most Popular
250 /mo
- Everything in Essential
- 40K Monthly Visits
- 20GB CDN Storage
- Basic Site Speed Monitoring
- Image Optimization
- Google Analytics Integration
- Monthly Traffic Report
- Technical SEO Monitoring
- Google Search Console Setup & Monitoring
- Bing Webmaster Tools Setup & Monitoring
- Keyword Tracking & Monthly Report
- 3 minor update requests (Up to 90 min)
500 /mo
- Everything in Pro
- 150K Monthly Visits
- 60GB CDN Storage
- Priority Support. Your support requests get bumped to the front of our tasks queue
- Consulting Review. 1 hour call of your website and goals.
- 3 Premium Developer Requests
- -Up to 3 Hours may include:
- --SEO Audit
- --Graphic Design
- --Social Media Updates
- --Brand Consulting
- --Custom Web Design